One Word Substitution for SSC Exams

More than 1000 One Word Substitution

One Word Substitution for SSC Exams

Sentence One Word
Philanthropist, one who loves mankind.
one who does things for pleasure. Amateur
one who can use either hand with ease. Ambidextrous
One who is out to destroy all govt. peace and order. Anarchist
One who doesn't believe in God's Existence Atheist
one who is not able to pay his debts. Bankrupt
One who is over exited in religious matters Bigot
A girl with brown color hair Brunette
A girl with golden color hair Blonde
That breaks easily Brittle
One who feeds on human flesh. Cannibal
one who eats Flesh only. Carnivorous
Critical judge of any art and craft. Connoisseur
One who regards the whole world as his own. Cosmopolitan
One who sneers (mock) at the beliefs of others Cynic
a dabbler in art science and literature. Dilettante
One person who is womanish in his habits. Effeminate
One who thinks about himself only Egoist
One who always talks about his achievements. Egotist
One who leaves his country to settle abroad. Emigrant
One who is for pleasure of eating and drinking. Epicure
One who is hard to please Fastidious
one who believes in fate. Fatalist
One who works for the welfare of women (Philogynist) Feminist
One who runs from justice Fugitive
A husband ruled by his wife. Henpecked
one who lives on herbs. Herbivorous
one who holds a post without any salary Honorary
One who is breaker of images and traditions. Iconoclast
A person who comes to a country from his own country for settling. Immigrant
one who cant read and write.... Illiterate
That can not be entered by force. Impregnable
One who pretends to be Somebody else. Imposter
One who does not expresses himself freely. Introvert
That can not be conquered Invincible
That can not be harmed or wounded. Invulnerable
one who hates knowledge ( Ant. Bibliologist) Misologist
A soldier who fights for money. Mercenary
One who hates Mankind Misanthrope
one who hates the institution of marriage. Misogamist
one who is inexperienced in anything. Novice
One who collects coins. Numismatists
one who eats everything. Omnivorous
One who looks at the bright side of things. Optimist
One who looks at the dark side of things. Pessimist
lover of mankind. Philanthropist
One who speaks many languages. ( Syn. Linguists) Polyglot
One who amuses himself by love making. Philanderer
One who collects stamps. Philatelists
One Who helps needy people. Samaritan
A person who is indifferent to pain and pleasure. Stoic
One who does not take any intoxicating drugs. Teetotaller
One who is habitual drunkard. Toper / Sot

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