Cabbage Soup


Savoy or green cabbage 1 head
Onion minced 1
Olive oil 1 tbs
Butter 2 tsp
Garlic minced 3-4 cloves
Chicken / Vegetable Stock 1 ltr
Soy Sauce 1 tbs
Spare ribs 4
Long grain rice, rinsed 1/2 Cup
Salt & pepper to taste
Sprig of parsley to garnish


1) Lightly saute the onion in olive oil and butter in a saucepan until translucent.
2) Shred the cabbage and stir in. Add minced garlic.
3) Add stock and bring briefly to boil.
4) Add soy sauce and spare ribs.
5) Simmer for about 15 mins or until ribs are tender.
6) Add rinsed rice and cook for another 12-15 mins or till ribs are tender.
7) Season to taste, garnish with parsley and serve.

Vegetarian Option: Avoid spare ribs and use vegetable stock instead of chicken.